Friday, April 11, 2014

Passover Greetings

March 15, 2014

At this celebration congregants, rabbis and cantors all came together to have some fun and more fun! People arrived and walked a red carpet coming in like the Hollywood Stars we all are. J
There was lots of great costumes, skits where people volunteered to come up and read parts with accents showcasing the story of the Megillah making us all laugh.

Chana Leah Levertov Bas Mitzvah Party

Here are a few photos from Scottsdale Chabad March 30th event where Chana Leah Levertov celebrated her Bas Mitzvah with friends and family.  She received a special bracelet in ceremonial manner that had much meaning to each charm that was added  by a significant person in her life.  Baking challah was done in mass as shown by tables with rows and rows of bowls and braided dough making "loaves of love".

More March 2014 Happenings......


Hillel Fundraiser 2014 theme was “Casino Nights”.  This March 27th event was hosted at the beautiful home of Jay and Rachel Feitlinger in Scottsdale, Arizona. Organizers for this event included Chelsey Keller who works at the Arizona Historical Society and is on the Board of Directors for Hillel. Debbie Yunker Kail Hillel's Exec Director took a main role in putting up this evening's fun activities. Rabbi Barton Lee was on hand and well loved and respected by current and former students as well as piers present.  A good time was had by all!

